12 Week Baby 12 Week Baby

Life after 12 weeks: A guide for new parents

First things first, congratulations.

The initial 12 weeks of baby’s life are exciting. But it’s also a lot to handle. After all, you’re both growing as people. So we’re here to help you get to know each other better and work out what works.

1. Get more sleep

The good news is baby should get you out of bed LESS now. Their sleep patterns are improving but it can take a while, so be patient. These tips can help everyone get more ZZZs.

  • Don’t force naps as baby can stay up all night – find a sleep routine that works for you both
  • Always put baby on their back as it’s the safest way for them to sleep
  • If you’re breastfeeding, feeding baby in bed is nice and cozy, but falling asleep is a no-no – put their cot next to your bed to keep them safe once you’re done
  • Put baby down slightly awake to get them used to falling asleep on their own and soothing them in the cot


2. Treat yourself

Looking after baby is a full-time job, but don’t forget to look after yourself too.

  • Enjoy some quality time by asking someone to take care of baby for a while
  • If you have a partner, put yourselves first by watching a movie, going out or simply catching up
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for support – grandparents, family and friend usually want to help




3. Foolproof feeding

Calorie intake directly impacts growth, so it’s important to pay attention to their eating.

  • Babies grow fast at this stage, so think about feeding more often
  • If you’re breastfeeding, you might notice baby isn’t blessing you with as many dirty diapers as before which is totally normal – hurray
  • If baby is breastfed and constipated, they need more milk as they could be dehydrated – if they’re gaining weight and thriving, they’re getting all they need
  • If baby is formula fed, pasty poos are completely normal – even if they’re khaki or greenish, that’s just the iron in the formula


4. Keep tabs on their development

Motor Skills:

  • Baby’s starting to get a grip on things and grabbing anything in sight
  • They’ll think a rattle is the best thing EVER – just make sure it’s soft so they don’t get a boo-boo


  • You can say soon bye-bye to reflux after week 12
  • Most kids get better over time, but talk to a doctor if baby is still having trouble


  • Baby will start seeing the world in color
  • Avoid harsh, direct sunlight to protect their little eyes during these big changes
  • If you’re breastfeeding, eat plenty of green and yellow vegetables, and fruit for antioxidants and nutrients that help protect baby’s retinas


5. Dealing with the waterworks

You know baby better than anyone, so you can usually figure out why there are tears. But still, it’s not easy.

  • Get support from friends and family on the hard days
  • Talk to someone about your feelings


6. Time for a diaper change

No matter how much we want baby to be a baby forever, they’re always growing. So look out for the signs baby need a bigger diaper.

  • Regular leaks: When baby’s diaper is too small it can get messy
  • Red marks on thighs: It’s time to size up to keep baby comfortable
  • It’s tight on baby’s waist: Getting a diaper on should be easy – if it isn’t, you know what to do
  • Weight: Huggies are sized according to weight – look at the table below to find baby’s perfect size

We hope you found this guide useful. Now you can look forward to everything life – and baby – have to throw at you after 12 weeks.
